Friday, April 3, 2015

Free Online Colleges and Universities for Liberal Study Courses

Online Universities
See the list of the top free online liberal studies courses. You learn about what courses are available, what types of topics they cover and whether you can use them to get the college credit.

Online Educcation for Liberal Study Courses

Students can find a number of free courses in liberal studies topics available in the online, but these all free options likely won't result in the college credit. Students who would slightly take classes that offer for a path to the college credit might be want to look for the online options that charge for a small fee in exchange for access to the online lessons. Fee-based courses help to the students to earn alternative forms of college credit.

Here this style of distance learning with the short, engaging video lessons and self-assessment quizzes. In addition, the students can be find free transcripts for video lessons. Both transcripts and video lessons can prepare for the students to earn college credit. Students can be finding a number of the liberal studies courses through free online education extensive online resources. Some of courses available include:

  • Math: College Algebra - Examine matrices, FOIL, complex numbers,  absolute value, probability mechanics,  rational expressions, and much more in this course.
  • English: English Literature - Old English literature, the Renaissance, Study literary terms, romantic poetry, Victorian literature and modernism.
  • Humanities: Intro to the Humanities - Topics in this course includes British Romanticism, American novelists, literary modernism, visual art, architecture and music.
  • History: Western Civilization I - This course covers such subjects as Ancient Near East history, Roman Empire, Middle Ages,  Reformation and colonialism.

Free Online Education for Non-Credited Liberal Study Courses

Here many colleges and universities offer free online liberal studies courses covering subjects including literature, sciences, math, philosophy and history. Students do not have to the register for free classes, but they also do not receive the college credit from the school. Here special software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader and mp3 players may be needed to the access course materials.

Carnegie Mellon University


  • Logic and Proofs

The Logic and Proofs courses are introduces students to symbolism used to represent for the parts of a logical argument, such as conjunctions, disjunctions and conditionals. Here students also learn to make for the well-formed deductive proofs. These available materials include homework assignments, practice problems and surveys. Students can also access a tutorial for the creating derivations in course's Proof Lab.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • How to Stage a Revolution
  • Reading Fiction

Here much of the required reading for both these courses can be obtained online, but some of these must be borrowed or purchased from a library. Through course essay questions and lecture notes, the students can discover what makes a revolution to successful in How to Stage a Revolution. Here topics included Athenian history, the Russian and French Revolutions, types of the government and the Communist Party. Reading Fiction introduces students to short stories, poetry and novels of writers including Flannery O'Connor, James Joyce, Elizabeth Bishop and Mary Shelley. Here the students can write four critical essays to test of their knowledge of the course's literary texts.

The Open University


  • Aberdulais Falls: A Case Study in the Welsh History
  • Introducing Philosophy

Here courses offered by The Open University examine various topics through the online lesson transcripts supplemented by activities and illustrations. The course on Aberdulais Falls is a two-hour look at how heritage can be preserved and who should make for these decisions, using Aberdulais Falls, in the South Wales, as an example. In Introducing Philosophy, here students use online summary and texts exercises to the learn about reading, writing and discussing the philosophy.

Tufts University


  • Physics for the Humanists

Here aimed at the students who don't intend a career in the sciences, Physics for Humanists explores basics of the quantum mechanics and relativity, including the science behind the nuclear weapons. Here students can access for slides for 24 lectures and the download PDF handouts relating to the some lecture topics. Here exams and solutions are available for the student, along with some homework assignments. Here several textbooks are recommended, and links are provided for some supplemental materials.

University of California – Irvine


  • Minority Politics

It looks at the political experiences of the Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and African Americans. Here materials largely consist of the PowerPoint slides for the lecture notes covering such topics like citizenship and Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Students can also access the PDF files of census documents and immigration statistics. Essay assignments are included as well. But required reading materials are not provided.


University of Michigan


  • Review of the Elementary Spanish

The Review of Elementary Spanish courses teach us vocabulary skills and basic grammar through learning exercises rather than the lectures. The students can download podcasts of the intensive grammar lessons. Here vocabulary and Spanish culture are taught through a Spanish 103 website.

University of Notre Dame


  • African American History II

The students examine African American community and history from the American Civil War through latter half of the 20th century. African American History II is also aim to improve the students' academic writing and the research skills. There are some reading materials available for online, such as excerpts and journal articles from The Chicago Defender. The students can also access their lecture notes and exercises from all 19 course sessions.

Utah State University


  • Intermediate Writing: The Research Writing in the Persuasive Mode

Here students in Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode can sharpen their basic writing skills and develop their reading, research abilities and critical thinking. Online readings and the writing assignments focus on such topics as similes and metaphors, essay organization and the writing persuasive arguments. Here students can learn to incorporate their audience into their writing and use for multimedia resources for the research and argumentation.


Yale University


  • Financial Theory
  • Foundations of the Modern Social Theory

It's free online courses consist of video lectures, many with reading lists and additional materials. The students taking Financial Theory can view the lecture slides and download their quizzes, exams, problem sets and their solutions. Here free online learners in Foundations of Modern Social Theory can be access 25 video lectures covering the works of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Karl Marx and Max Weber. The students learn how these thinkers influenced their modern ideas about such topics as justice, authority, sexuality and class structure.

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